FITS observation of moon section taken 2006-03-16 1:32:07 in filter U

Original Title:

    Observation of moon section


        observation fits moon section 2006-03-16 1:32:07 12:27:4.851,-3:25:55.09 (J2000) 4.5x4.5 arcminutes 1024x1024 pixels 0.1 seconds


          FITS observation of moon section taken 2006-03-16 1:32:07 in filter U

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                  Creative Commons License
                  The license of the work FITS observation of moon section taken 2006-03-16 1:32:07 in filter U by AndyN
                  permits: reproduction, distribution , adaptation
                  requires: indication of the license governing the work, attribution and to share derivatives with the same license
                  prohibits: commercial use of the work