Light Pollution - How many objects can I see at night?

Original Title:

    Light Pollution - How many objects can I see at night?
    Poluição Luminosa - Quantos objetos posso ver à noite?


      astronomy light pollution astronomia poluição luminosa


        Lesson Plan where the first step is the students count how many objects they can see at night and geo-locate they position.
        Plano de aula onde o primeiro passo é a contagem de objetos celestes, durante a noite, e sua geolocalização.

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              Creative Commons License
              The license of the work Light Pollution - How many objects can I see at night? by eufisica
              permits: reproduction, distribution , adaptation
              requires: indication of the license governing the work, attribution and to share derivatives with the same license
              prohibits: commercial use of the work