Die Sonne und die Wasserstofffusion - Stundenbild (The Learning Cycle)

Original Title:

    Die Sonne und die Wasserstofffusion
    The Sun and the hydrogen fusion


      Sonne Sun Wasserstoff Hydrogen Fusion Fusion


        Paedagogisches Szenario ueber die Wasserstofffusion im Zentrum der Sonne.
        Pedagogical scenario about the hydrogen fusion in the center of the Sun.

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              Certified content by COSMOS
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              Creative Commons License
              The license of the work Die Sonne und die Wasserstofffusion - Stundenbild (The Learning Cycle) by reimers
              permits: reproduction, distribution , adaptation
              requires: indication of the license governing the work, attribution and to share derivatives with the same license
              prohibits: commercial use of the work