Μέτρηση της περιφέρειας της Γης
(2 votes)
- Classification: Maa
- Age Range: 15-18
- Aggregation Level: Learning activity
- Context: school education
- Difficulty: Difficult
- Educational Model: Guided research
- Format: application/zip
- Intended User Role: Teacher
- Interactivity Level: High
- Interactivity Type: Active
- Language: el
- Learning Time: more than 2 didactic hours
- Metadata Language: en
- Purpose: Discipline
- Size: More than 5MB
- Structure: Collection
- Technical Name: ms-windows
- Type: Operating system
Kosmisk Strålning
- Classification: Kosmiset säteet, Avaruusasemat, Leptonit, Hiukkashavaitsimet
- Age Range: 15-18
- Aggregation Level: Learning activity
- Difficulty: Easy
- Educational Asset Type: Exercise
- Format: application/pdf
- Interactivity Level: High
- Interactivity Type: Mixed
- Language: sv
- Learning Time: 2 didactic hours
- Metadata Language: sv
- Purpose: Discipline
- Size: From 1MB to 5MB
- Structure: Atomic
- Technical Name: any
- Type: Browser
Create your own using educational Solar Filters
- Classification: Auringon aktiivisuus
- Age Range: 12-15
- Aggregation Level: Learning activity
- Difficulty: Easy
- Educational Asset Type: Exercise
- Interactivity Level: Medium
- Interactivity Type: Active
- Language: en
- Learning Time: 0.25 didactic hour
- Metadata Language: en
- Purpose: Discipline
- Size: Up to 250KB
- Structure: Atomic
Conservation of momentum in particle collisions
(53 votes)
- Classification: Liikemäärän säilyminen, Törmäys, Ilmaisimet, Kalorimetrit
- Age Range: 15-18
- Aggregation Level: Learning activity
- Difficulty: Medium
- Educational Asset Type: Exercise
- Format: application/pdf
- Interactivity Level: High
- Interactivity Type: Mixed
- Language: en
- Learning Time: 2 didactic hours
- Metadata Language: en
- Purpose: Discipline
- Size: Up to 250KB
- Structure: Linear
- Technical Name: none
- Type: Browser
Kuinka kaukoputki toimii?
(1 vote)
- Classification: Rapautuminen - yleisesti, Optiikka, Maailman kaikkeus - yleisesti, Laboratoriovälineet - yleisesti
- Age Range: 9-12
- Aggregation Level: Learning activity
- Difficulty: Medium
- Educational Model: Inquiry-based teaching
- Format: application/mspowerpoint
- Interactivity Level: Medium
- Interactivity Type: Mixed
- Language: fi
- Learning Time: more than 2 didactic hours
- Metadata Language: fi
- Purpose: Discipline
- Size: Up to 250KB
- Structure: Atomic
- Technical Name: ms-internet explorer
- Type: Browser
Top 10 Mysteries of the Universe
(1 vote)
- Classification: Kvarkit ja hadronit, Vakiomalli
- Age Range: 15-18
- Aggregation Level: Learning activity
- Difficulty: Easy
- Educational Asset Type: Questionnaire
- Format: application/mspowerpoint
- Interactivity Level: Medium
- Interactivity Type: Active
- Learning Time: 1 didactic hour
- Metadata Language: en
- Purpose: Discipline
- Size: From 250KB to 500KB
- Structure: Atomic
- Technical Name: any
- Type: Browser
Die Verbindung zwischen ISS und CERN
(4 votes)
- Classification: Avaruuslento, Hiukkaskosmologia, Hiukkashavaitsimet
- Age Range: 15-18, 18-25
- Aggregation Level: Learning activity
- Difficulty: Medium
- Educational Model: Inquiry-based teaching
- Format: application/mspowerpoint
- Interactivity Level: Medium
- Interactivity Type: Mixed
- Language: de
- Learning Time: more than 2 didactic hours
- Metadata Language: en
- Purpose: Discipline
- Size: From 500KB to 1MB
- Structure: Atomic
Πως υπολογίζουμε τη μάζα ενός γαλαξία
(54 votes)
- Classification: Galaksit, Astrometria, Pimeä energia, Pimeä aine, Spiraalin muotoinen galaksi, Punasiirtymä, Pimeä aine
- Age Range: 25+, 15-18, 18-25
- Aggregation Level: Learning activity
- Difficulty: Medium
- Educational Asset Type: Exercise
- Format: application/pdf
- Interactivity Level: High
- Interactivity Type: Active
- Language: el
- Learning Time: 2 didactic hours
- Metadata Language: en
- Purpose: Discipline
- Size: From 250KB to 500KB
- Structure: Atomic
- Technical Name: any
- Type: Browser
Photometry of the Mutual Events between the Jovian Satellites
(4 votes)
- Classification: Kiertorata, Aurinkokunta, Planeetat, Satelliitit, Pimmennys
- Age Range: 12-15
- Aggregation Level: Learning activity
- Context: school education
- Difficulty: Medium
- Educational Model: Guided research
- Format: application/mspowerpoint
- Intended User Role: Teacher
- Interactivity Level: Medium
- Interactivity Type: Active
- Language: en
- Learning Time: more than 2 didactic hours
- Metadata Language: en
- Purpose: Discipline
- Size: More than 5MB
- Structure: Networked
- Technical Name: ms-windows
- Type: Operating system
Determining the eccentricity of elliptical galaxies
(7 votes)
- Classification: Galaksit, Elliptiset galaksit
- Age Range: 15-18
- Aggregation Level: Learning activity
- Context: Higher education
- Difficulty: Difficult
- Educational Model: Inquiry-based teaching
- Format: application/zip
- Intended User Role: Teacher
- Interactivity Level: High
- Interactivity Type: Mixed
- Language: en
- Learning Time: 1 didactic hour
- Metadata Language: en
- Purpose: Discipline
- Size: More than 5MB
- Structure: Collection
Tamanho de uma mancha solar
(52 votes)
- Classification: Aurinkokunta, Aurinko, Auringon aktiivisuus, Auringon pilkut
- Age Range: 12-15, 15-18
- Aggregation Level: Learning activity
- Difficulty: Medium
- Educational Asset Type: Exercise
- Format: application/pdf
- Interactivity Level: Medium
- Interactivity Type: Active
- Language: pt
- Learning Time: more than 2 didactic hours
- Purpose: Discipline
- Size: From 500KB to 1MB
- Structure: Atomic
Mobile ATLAS@CERN (deutsche Version)
(1 vote)
- Classification: Kiihdyttimet ja säteet, Hiukkasdynamiikka
- Age Range: 15-18, 18-25
- Aggregation Level: Learning activity
- Difficulty: Medium
- Educational Model: Inquiry-based teaching
- Format: application/mspowerpoint
- Interactivity Level: Medium
- Interactivity Type: Mixed
- Language: de
- Learning Time: more than 2 didactic hours
- Metadata Language: en
- Purpose: Discipline
- Size: From 500KB to 1MB
- Structure: Atomic
Investigación de cúmulos abiertos
(59 votes)
- Aggregation Level: Learning activity
- Difficulty: Medium
- Educational Asset Type: Exercise
- Format: application/pdf
- Interactivity Level: Medium
- Interactivity Type: Active
- Language: es
- Learning Time: 2 didactic hours
- Purpose: Discipline
- Size: Up to 250KB
- Structure: Atomic
- Technical Name: any
- Type: Browser
Medida de la curva de luz en estrellas binarias Be X-ray
(59 votes)
- Classification: Tieteen hyödyntäminen selittämään, Kysymysten esittäminen, Havaintojen/mittausten tallentaminen, Kaksoistähti, telescopes
- Age Range: 15-18
- Aggregation Level: Learning activity
- Difficulty: Medium
- Educational Asset Type: Exercise
- Format: application/pdf
- Interactivity Level: High
- Interactivity Type: Active
- Language: es
- Learning Time: more than 2 didactic hours
- Purpose: Discipline
- Size: Up to 250KB
- Structure: Atomic
- Technical Name: any
- Type: Browser
Messung der Lichtkurve von Röntgendoppelsternen
(52 votes)
- Classification: Valokäyrä, Neutronitähdet, Kaksoistähti, Muuttuvat tähdet
- Age Range: 15-18, 18-25
- Aggregation Level: Learning activity
- Difficulty: Difficult
- Educational Asset Type: Exercise
- Interactivity Level: Very high
- Interactivity Type: Active
- Language: de
- Learning Time: 1 didactic hour
- Metadata Language: en
- Purpose: Discipline
- Size: Up to 250KB
- Structure: Atomic
- Technical Name: any
Conservação da quantidade de movimento em colisões de partículas
(58 votes)
- Classification: Hiukkashavaitsimet, Hiukkasten vuorovaikutus aineen kanssa
- Age Range: 15-18
- Aggregation Level: Learning activity
- Difficulty: Medium
- Educational Asset Type: Exercise
- Format: application/pdf
- Interactivity Level: Medium
- Interactivity Type: Active
- Language: pt
- Learning Time: 2 didactic hours
- Purpose: Discipline
- Size: From 250KB to 500KB
- Structure: Atomic
Roemer and the speed of light
- Classification: Valon ominaisuudet - yleisesti
- Age Range: 15-18
- Aggregation Level: Learning activity
- Context: school education
- Difficulty: Difficult
- Educational Model: Inquiry-based teaching
- Format: application/mspowerpoint
- Interactivity Level: High
- Interactivity Type: Active
- Language: en
- Learning Time: more than 2 didactic hours
- Metadata Language: en
- Purpose: Discipline
- Size: From 1MB to 5MB
- Structure: Linear
- Technical Name: any
- Type: Browser
How to weigh a galaxy
(55 votes)
- Classification: Kiertorata, Tähdet, Galaksit, Kosmologia, Pimeä aine, Rotaatiokäyrä, Pimeä aine
- Age Range: 15-18, 18-25
- Aggregation Level: Learning activity
- Difficulty: Difficult
- Educational Asset Type: Exercise
- Format: image/fits
- Interactivity Level: High
- Interactivity Type: Active
- Language: en
- Learning Time: 2 didactic hours
- Metadata Language: en
- Purpose: Discipline
- Size: Up to 250KB
- Structure: Atomic
- Technical Name: any
- Type: Browser
Cosmic Rays - Pierre Auger Observatory
(1 vote)
- Age Range: 15-18
- Aggregation Level: Learning activity
- Context: school education
- Difficulty: Medium
- Format: application/mspowerpoint
- Interactivity Level: High
- Interactivity Type: Mixed
- Language: en
- Learning Time: more than 2 didactic hours
- Metadata Language: en
- Purpose: Discipline
- Size: More than 5MB
- Structure: Atomic
- Technical Name: any
- Type: Browser
Varför förskjuts inte årstiderna inom kalenderåret?
- Classification: Kulmanopeus, Kuu, Vuoden ajat
- Age Range: 18-25
- Aggregation Level: Learning activity
- Context: Other
- Difficulty: Medium
- Educational Model: The learning cycle
- Format: application/zip
- Intended User Role: Teacher
- Interactivity Level: Medium
- Interactivity Type: Expositive
- Language: sv
- Learning Time: 2 didactic hours
- Metadata Language: sv
- Purpose: Discipline
- Size: From 1MB to 5MB
- Structure: Collection