Discover the COSMOS Summer School 2013
created: Tue, 06 Nov 2012 | |
Our second DISCOVER THE COSMOS Summer School will take place in Volos, Greece (30/7-4/8/2013).
Title: "From Telescopes to Accelerators - Enhancing Science Education by Exploring Science's Past, Present, and Future"
The initial description of the event can be found here: The course's objective is to enhance science education by presenting the fabric of the cosmos as was shaped by scientific evidence and explanations through 400 years of scientific advancement. The course will focus on: a) 17th century's optics instruments (i.e. telescopes and microscopes) and how these instruments have influenced the making of modern science, b) 20th century's telescopes and accelerators, which have probed the inner an outer boundaries of the matter and the universe, and c) 21st century's facilities such as CERN's Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and the new generation of space telescopes, which will provide answers to the yet open sub-atomic and cosmological questions. Participants will familiarize themselves with a large amount of digital science education content, which currently exists in history-of-science museums, archives and science centers' collections and digital repositories. Participation in this event is funded by the European Commission through the Comenius and Grundtvig programmes: therefore interested teachers or trainers can simply contact their relevant National Agency. The list of eligible countries (EU ones plus Turkey, Croatia, FYROM) and the contact details of the National Agencies can be found here:
The deadline for applications is January 16th, 2013.
The summer school's website has been updated (check it out!).
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