Photometry of the Mutual Events between Saturnian Satellites

Original Title:

    Photometry of the Mutual Events between the Saturnian Satellites


        Saturn Saturnian Satellites Titan Rhea Dione Tethys Engeladus orbital period Equinox Eclipse Occultation Universal Time CCD differential photometry light curve time of minimum


          In this advanced activity students will make astronomical observations of Saturn and satellites using a telescope and CCD camera, proceed with photometric analysis of their data and produce light curves which they can submit to the astronomical community for further analysis.

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                  Creative Commons License
                  The license of the work Photometry of the Mutual Events between Saturnian Satellites by Vagelis.Tsamis
                  permits: reproduction, distribution , adaptation
                  requires: indication of the license governing the work, attribution and to share derivatives with the same license
                  prohibits: commercial use of the work