The story of CERN : a 50 year journey to the Heart of Matter

Original Title:

    The story of CERN : a 50 year journey to the Heart of Matter


        CERN LHC accelerator detector particle


          This film chronicles the story of CERN, the world\'s largest laboratory for studying the nature of matter. Using fascinating archive footage, interviews, stunning video and state-of-the-art computer generated images, it spans half a century, from the hopes and vision of CERN\'s founding fathers to the Laboratory\'s latest particule accelerator, the 27-km Large Hadron Collider.

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                  Creative Commons License
                  The license of the work The story of CERN : a 50 year journey to the Heart of Matter by stelios
                  permits: reproduction, distribution , adaptation
                  requires: indication of the license governing the work, attribution and to share derivatives with the same license
                  prohibits: commercial use of the work
