The Sun4all educational activities

Original Title:

    The Sun4all educational activities


        Solar Energy, Solar Rotation, Sun Spots


          The project “Sun for all”, funded by Ciencia Viva (2005 117/ 18) aims to promote science in general and astronomy in particular, among students.

          The project rests on the asset of over 30000 Sun images (spectroheliograms) that are kept in the Astronomical Observatory of the University of Coimbra, as a result of a work of over 80 years of daily solar observations that started in 1926.

          The project “Sun for all”, funded by Ciencia Viva (2005 117/ 18) aims to promote science in general and astronomy in particular, among students.

          The project rests on the asset of over 30000 Sun images (spectroheliograms) that are kept in the Astronomical Observatory of the University of Coimbra, as a result of a work of over 80 years of daily solar observations that started in 1926.

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