A 'Moving' Jupiter Global Map (Animation)

Original Title:

    A 'Moving' Jupiter Global Map (Animation)


        planet, Jupiter, map


          The Long Range Reconnaissance Imager (LORRI) on New Horizons has acquired six global maps of Jupiter as the spacecraft approaches the giant planet for a close encounter at the end of February. The high-resolution camera acquired each of six observation "sets" as a series of individual pictures taken one hour apart, covering a full 10-hour rotation of Jupiter. The LORRI team at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) reduced the sets to form six individual maps in a simple rectangular projection. These six maps were then combined to make the movie.

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                  The license of the work A 'Moving' Jupiter Global Map (Animation) by COSMOS
                  permits: reproduction, distribution , adaptation
                  requires: indication of the license governing the work, attribution and to share derivatives with the same license
                  prohibits: commercial use of the work
