Blick aus der Raumstation (The Learning Cycle)

Original Title:

    Blick aus der Raumstation
    View of Earth from space station


      Stadt City Raumstation Space Station Geographie Geography Umwelt Environment Landschaft Countryside


        Paedagogisches Szenario ueber den Planeten Erde aus der Sicht eines Satelliten oder Raumstation. Dieses Szenario soll eine Einfuehrung in die unterschiedlichen Landschaftsformen auf der Erdoberflaeche geben.
        Educational scenario about the planet Earth as seen from a satellite or a space station. This scenario should introduce in different landscapes on Earth's surface.

              Average: 4.3 (4 votes)
              Certified content by COSMOS
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              Creative Commons License
              The license of the work Blick aus der Raumstation (The Learning Cycle) by reimers
              permits: reproduction, distribution , adaptation
              requires: indication of the license governing the work, attribution and to share derivatives with the same license
              prohibits: commercial use of the work
