Welcome to the Discover the COSMOS portal

Discover the COSMOS portal is an experimental laboratory for students and teachers, aiming to improve science instruction by expanding the resources for teaching and learning in schools, providing more challenging and authentic learning experiences. Discover the COSMOS portal brings together resources, virtual experiments and online labs from the fields of Astronomy and High Energy Physics (HEP). It offers access to a network of robotic telescopes and to the major CERN experiments, ATLAS and CMS.

Explore Discover the COSMOS: The Discover the COSMOS Repository includes numerous educational materials (educational scenarios and lesson plans, students projects, animations, online tools and laboratories guidelines for interactive experiences with Astronomy and HEP Resources)

Share your content: The Astronomy Tool-Box and the HEP Tool-Box will provide you with all the necessary tools to prepare your content for the Discover the COSMOS Repository. The Discover the COSMOS tools offering a unique authoring environment to design and share your own educational projects and activities.

Join the Discover the COSMOS educational community and explore new ways of teaching science!

This project has been funded with support form the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission can not be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


Discover the COSMOS Roadmap

A unique resource to help outreach teams of research infrastructures to design effective educational programmes for schools.
