Theory of relativity
Image of time vortex
- Classification: Relativitätstheorie, Universum - allgemein
- Age Range: 6-9, 9-12, 25+, 12-15, 18-25
- Aggregation Level: Educational content
- Context: school education
- Difficulty: Very easy
- Educational Asset Type: Graph
- Format: image/png
- Interactivity Level: Very low
- Interactivity Type: Expositive
- Language: en
- Learning Time: 0.25 didactic hour
- Metadata Language: en
- Purpose: Discipline
- Size: From 250KB to 500KB
- Structure: Atomic
Um buraco negro escondido no centro da nossa galáxia
(52 votes)
![Certified content by Discover the COSMOS (Demonstrator)](/files/pictures/dtcDemostratorCert.png)
- Classification: Ideen und Belege in den Naturwissenschaften, Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen - allgemein, Schwarze Löcher, Interstellares Medium, Milchstraße, Doppelsterne, Relativitätstheorie
- Age Range: 15-18
- Aggregation Level: Learning activity
- Difficulty: Medium
- Educational Asset Type: Exercise
- Format: application/pdf
- Interactivity Level: High
- Interactivity Type: Active
- Language: pt
- Learning Time: 2 didactic hours
- Purpose: Discipline
- Size: From 1MB to 5MB
- Structure: Linear
A black hole lurked at the center of our Galaxy
(55 votes)
![Certified content by Discover the COSMOS (Demonstrator)](/files/pictures/dtcDemostratorCert.png)
- Classification: Ideen und Belege in den Naturwissenschaften, Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen - allgemein, Schwarze Löcher, Interstellares Medium, Milchstraße, Doppelsterne, Relativitätstheorie
- Age Range: 15-18
- Aggregation Level: Learning activity
- Difficulty: Medium
- Educational Asset Type: Exercise
- Format: application/pdf
- Interactivity Level: High
- Interactivity Type: Active
- Language: en
- Learning Time: 2 didactic hours
- Metadata Language: en
- Purpose: Discipline
- Size: From 1MB to 5MB
- Structure: Linear
Microlentes Gravitacionais
(52 votes)
![Certified content by Discover the COSMOS (Demonstrator)](/files/pictures/dtcDemostratorCert.png)
- Classification: Gravitationslinsen, EinsteinRing, Mikrolinseneffekt, Relativitätstheorie
- Age Range: 15-18
- Aggregation Level: Learning activity
- Difficulty: Difficult
- Educational Asset Type: Exercise
- Format: application/pdf
- Interactivity Level: High
- Interactivity Type: Active
- Language: pt
- Learning Time: 2 didactic hours
- Purpose: Discipline
- Size: From 500KB to 1MB
- Structure: Linear
(57 votes)
![Certified content by Discover the COSMOS (Demonstrator)](/files/pictures/dtcDemostratorCert.png)
- Classification: Galaxien, Kosmologie, Gravitationslinsen, Mikrolinseneffekt, Milchstraße, Relativitätstheorie
- Age Range: 15-18
- Aggregation Level: Learning activity
- Difficulty: Difficult
- Educational Asset Type: Exercise
- Format: image/fits
- Interactivity Level: High
- Interactivity Type: Active
- Language: en
- Learning Time: 2 didactic hours
- Metadata Language: en
- Purpose: Discipline
- Size: Up to 250KB
- Structure: Atomic
- Technical Name: any
- Type: Browser
Lentille gravitationnelle
(52 votes)
![Certified content by Discover the COSMOS (Demonstrator)](/files/pictures/dtcDemostratorCert.png)
- Classification: Sterne, Galaxien, Kosmologie, Gravitationslinsen, EinsteinRing, Quasare, Relativitätstheorie
- Age Range: 12-15, 15-18, 18-25
- Aggregation Level: Learning activity
- Difficulty: Medium
- Educational Asset Type: Exercise
- Format: application/java-applet
- Interactivity Level: High
- Interactivity Type: Active
- Language: fr
- Learning Time: 2 didactic hours
- Purpose: Discipline
- Size: Up to 250KB
- Structure: Atomic
- Technical Name: any
- Type: Browser
Doppler Effect - Redshift and Blueshift - Inquiry Based Teaching
(5 votes)
![Certified content by COSMOS](/files/pictures/cosmoscert.jpg)
- Classification: Wellenfrequenz, Ausbreitungsgeschwindigkeit, Wellenlänge, DopplerEffekt, Lichteigenschaften - allgemein, Astrometrie, Rotverschiebung, Relativitätstheorie
- Age Range: 15-18
- Aggregation Level: Learning activity
- Context: school education
- Difficulty: Medium
- Educational Model: Inquiry-based teaching
- Intended User Role: Teacher
- Interactivity Level: Medium
- Interactivity Type: Active
- Language: en
- Learning Time: more than 2 didactic hours
- Metadata Language: en
- Purpose: Discipline
- Size: From 1MB to 5MB
- Structure: Linear
- Technical Name: ms-windows
- Type: Operating system
Curvature of Space - Astronomical Tests of General Relativity
(7 votes)
![Certified content by COSMOS](/files/pictures/cosmoscert.jpg)
- Classification: Sonne, Astrometrie, Gravitationslinsen, Rotverschiebung, Relativitätstheorie
- Age Range: 12-15
- Aggregation Level: Learning activity
- Context: school education
- Difficulty: Medium
- Educational Model: Inquiry-based teaching
- Intended User Role: Teacher
- Interactivity Level: Medium
- Interactivity Type: Active
- Language: en
- Learning Time: more than 2 didactic hours
- Metadata Language: en
- Purpose: Discipline
- Size: From 1MB to 5MB
- Structure: Linear
- Technical Name: ms-windows
- Type: Operating system