Odysseus Contest
created: Thu, 04 Oct 2012 | |
Odysseus is a pan-European contest on space exploration themes which aims to engage and inspire students around Europe in the "New Frontier". Young students are given the opportunity to create their own science project combining creativity, intelligence and innovation. The contest, aspires to integrate ongoing educational activities on science in a pan-European perspective, providing the opportunity for young pupils to compete with their peers from different European countries. The Odysseus contest challenges students between the ages of 14 and 18 years old from all EU countries to develop a project on space exploration, using their knowledge, creativity and critical thinking. Students wishing to participate need to form teams of 2 to 5 members plus a teacher as a facilitator. Teams participating in the Odysseus may choose to compete in one of the following three major theme categories: - Solar System Participating teams will first compete at national level where one team will be declared as winner in each of the three categories. Winning teams from all countries will than compete at European level, so as to declare the best project in Europe for every category of the contest. The winning team of every category will be granted with a trip to Germany and the Netherlands, where they will have the chance to visit the European Astronaut Centre in Portz-Wahn near Köln, Germany and to enjoy a tour in the astronauts training facilities, to meet with astronauts and to learn all about the selection, recruitment and training of ESA's astronauts for space missions. The next day, the winners will visit the Space Expo, in Noordwijk, the Netherlands, where they will be able to experience the simulated launch and landing of the Soyuz spacecraft, to explore the International Space Station's Columbus laboratory, and to find out about astronauts and how they live and work in space. In addition the winning teams will visit the European Space Research and Technology Center of ESA, where satellites are tested before launch. Winners will get the chance to see the various labs where this happens, including the shaker table that recreates the earthquake-like vibration of a rocket launch. Finally, the winning teams will be invited to the awards ceremony that will also take place in the premises of Space Expo. All travel and accommodation expenses will be paid for by the Odysseus contest.
KEY DATES 1st May 2012:Team Registrations Start 1st July 2012:Submission of entries Start 14th Ferbruary 2013:Team Registrations closing 15th Ferbruary 2013:Submission of entries Closing 1st March2013: Round 1 - Shortlist Announced 31st March 2013: Winners Announced April 2013:Award Ceremony and Closing
For further information and registration check the Odysseus Contest Website: or send an e-mail: info@odysseus-contest.eu
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